Englisch Naive Metapoesien der Einsamkeit Texte



When I left I fell asleep and no one turned the light back on
Set off to walk 600 miles on the day the night begun
Sorpresa took my hand, while we walked across the Land
through the sand of Donostia, understand now what she meant
Leave your plans out, stand out, take the extra route
Accept what’s coming forward, set your inner guide on mute
The days smelled like black berries the nights sounded like waves
as we climbed the cliffs of coastlines and discovered empty caves
The brushing sound of bagpipes in our backpacks and some blisters in our boots
The roots on the road. Loose shoes and a coat
The mood’s on our hope thanks to food from a bloke.
The late days of summer were the last days of spring
Surprise was a fling that the basque mountains could bring

When in 60 naps a million steps a hundred different faces
From mountain tops to fountain shops through arrowpointed mazes
I arrived at the end of the world in misty weather
The seashore shines golden and red in Finisterra


Englisch Naive Metapoesien der Einsamkeit Ton und Bild

Video: Echo

Aus meiner Zeit in Oslo: “Echo”, begleitet von der Live-Impro Band des Osloer Poetry Slams.

Englisch Lyriken der verpassten Revolution Texte


This is an instagrammcolored land
I need to step out at once come and take my hand
I wanna: catch the moment / (and) Fetch opponents
And say: this is our chance to dance like in the 20s
We got nothing to loose except for these pennies
I am naive that is a compliment
Spread love over the continent
We’re sitting on the same streets like a year ago
But going home is no option, so here we go
And no you can’t stop / We’re gonna stand up
If you wanna give up this system then put your hands up
Oh but we know it all, but we don’t feel it here
The night is dark and we’re full of fear.

And we’re living our life in lands of milk and honey
burn the world, burn people and we burn the money
The world’s fucked you’re shocked
No ones listening
Everyones talkin talkin talkin
But do ingenting
Dein Geld brennt alles aussichtslos
Die Welt rennt doch die Aussicht’s groß
Keiner hört zu, keiner passt auf
Was ist nur los denn wir schreien so laut?!
Capitalypse! Is that the capitalypse?!
But do we wanna be asteroids or the shooting star?
And yes the future is far
And it seems so bizarre
But as long as through the lightsmog of the city I just see one star
I won’t let go of my drive
And as long as through the lightsmog of the city I just see one star
I will believe in life

They say you can’t change the world- haven’t you seen
The revolution is not real, just on tv screen
So let’s watch this so we don’t have to open our eyes
It easy listening to lies and ignore the whole cries
Of Cassandra. Pandoras box is open anyways
And hey there’s not many ways
So we listen to the songs of the rebels
While we dance and we party on the pebbles
We stay smallminded, fall idled
Myself included
Living like we are used to, but we are deluded
Our stupidity is rooted so we shoot it
Don’t know what else to say so we stay muted

Denn die Welt liegt mir zu Füßen
und drum heb ich sie auf
Wenn Zeit Geld ist bin ich reich
und nehm das Leben in Kauf
Ich möchte rausgehen und aufstreben
Das System hier aufgeben und aufheben
Es als Päcken aufgeben
Rebellion vom Boden aufheben
Und dann endlich raus, leben!
Aber man hört nicht auf uns zu sagen,
dass wir keine Chance haben
Protestieren auf den Straßen
auf den wir gestern schon saßen
Und wir wissen alles aber wir fühlen‘s nicht
Es ist so dunkel und wir sehen kein Licht.

Vi har honning og melk, og de mykeste senger,
Brenner verden, brenner mennesker og brenner penger !
Har mista kjøreplan / Ingen hører på
Fordi alle munn, men ingen ører har